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  Computer science (CS) is the most popular major at Stanford University, yet female students make up only 12 percent of the program. It is hardly news that women are underrepresented in all STEM fields, computer science included. But the relati...

She Can Code It!

  Computer science (CS) is the most popular major at Stanford University, yet female students make up only 12 percent of the program. It is hardly news that women are underrepresented in all STEM fields, computer science included. But the relati...

Two years ago, the United States and the European Union made headlines by announcing new projects to advance the field of neuroscience and offer a comprehensive understanding of the human brain. Like previous government-funded science megaprojects­ ...

Brain Race

Two years ago, the United States and the European Union made headlines by announcing new projects to advance the field of neuroscience and offer a comprehensive understanding of the human brain. Like previous government-funded science megaprojects­ ...