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Tag: Election 2012


If voting booths are any indication, Turks are largely unfazed by their leader’s growing authoritarian streak. Despite months of anti-government protest, a graft scandal implicating Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and an uprising within a facti...

Democracy Takes a Beating at Turkish Polls

If voting booths are any indication, Turks are largely unfazed by their leader’s growing authoritarian streak. Despite months of anti-government protest, a graft scandal implicating Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and an uprising within a facti...

Copyright © 2005 Alexandra Lee. Licensed under Creative Commons. When it comes to reproductive rights in this country, we dodged a bullet Tuesday. It’s bad enough that many states and their legislators will continue to press for increasingly restr...

No Place For Compromise

Copyright © 2005 Alexandra Lee. Licensed under Creative Commons. When it comes to reproductive rights in this country, we dodged a bullet Tuesday. It’s bad enough that many states and their legislators will continue to press for increasingly restr...