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Getting to Know Brown’s Undergraduate Council of Students

What is UCS?

Although the Undergraduate Council of Students is a body representing Brunonians, many students are unacquainted with the organization. As we elect a new UCS executive board, this feature aims to shine light on an organization integral to the student experience, yet easily overlooked.


What has UCS done?

Since its establishment, UCS has worked tirelessly to enact legislation to improve the life of Brunonians. Some of the issues that UCS has tackled recently include sexual assault and mental health on campus.


Student Feedback

In order to properly represent the student body, UCS strives to obtain and incorporate student feedback in its work.

Fall Poll 2014



UCS and the Brown Administration

Serving as a link between the student body and the administration, UCS members develop close relationships with Brown administrators.


Videos and infographic by Katy Chu and Indira Pranabudi.